Saturday, 31 March 2012

FIlm Noire

              Film                                                    Noire
             Genre                                                Shadows
        Entertainment                                          French
        Motion Picture                                          Sinister  
          Dilemmas                                               Secrets
             Music                                                   Villains
             Actors                                                  Mystery
          Narratives                                                 Evil

This is a page of research which we did on elements, conventions, visual style and setting of film noire. During this research we watched the opening scene to the film "Double Indemnity".  This film would be categorised into film noire therefore by watching the opening clip it allowed us to make note of it's features (listed above). For our thriller we may use some aspects of film noire for example, starting with an establishing shot of a building estate to introduce the film. We are having a socio-path as the main antagonist and this will be effective because by doing this we can create a twist  and play on the audiences mind.  Moreover we will use lots of gloomy low key lighting to keep suspense and tension throughout. 

In terms of the props and settings used in film noire the stereotypical ones are as follows:
Props: Suits, dresses, cigarettes(create smoky haze to add drama to lighting), 
Setting: Urban(in the city), At night, 1930's/1950's.
By Bradley

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